
hey i'm not ask u!!:p
i'm want tell both of u,
that i'm happy people.
not trust..naa..e-so'k
i'm juz want telling u!!:D
>i'm crazier<

Ahad, 14 Mac 2010

it good to me,it bad to me too!!!

when something....
it good to me,it's bad to me too!!!

because i'll myself doesn't understand this moment.
when something come to me,
that mean it's good 4 me.
but sometime i'll feel it's bad to me too!!!
i'll juz want something good to around me.
not for so good or very good.
cukuplah pade yang tr'baek
but why when i got a good,will be a bad too.
mmg stament dye kene mcm tuh ke?,klu mcm tuh better tayah dpt yg tr'baek langsung
i'll really not understand.
(oh...Ya Allah,help me).
i'll come true!!!

p/s:sye sndiri,tapi akn cube br'ramai n akn cube hadapi,jauhi sikap mengeluh,skap yang DIA ta ske,sye akn cube jauhinya,insyaallah
may Allah bless (:

4 ulasan:

  1. why???ady i pon ta faham,kite same2 jauhi skap mengluh yea..

  2. ady's de pe2 yg jd ker?
    kongsi la wit kite2 hihihi,ape2 pon sabar ye ady's,ade hikmah d'sbalik yg trjadi,kite sbagai mnusia hadapi nye dgn sabar ye.

  3. org yg kt atas(hihihi...sorry tatau name)
    tula yg i maksudkn jauhi la sikap yg camgituh.mudah2an yeah!! (:

  4. mesti ade hikmah d'sbalik smua yg trjadi,kite sme2 hadapinye dgn tabah yeah!! (:
