
hey i'm not ask u!!:p
i'm want tell both of u,
that i'm happy people.
not trust..naa..e-so'k
i'm juz want telling u!!:D
>i'm crazier<

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

hey!!!what da hell hah??

smalam me n my crony hangout
best glerr,going to midv.jln2 wit they.
talk2 away,go to oldtown,drink.
diorg mkn,but not me,diet actually hahaha..
than find something dress.
i'll see the dress,nice.
ambk dress 2 tgok harga ,how much?
not bad just RM20.00.
da tilik btul2 okeyh jdi i'll want buy this.
na g bayar,than i give that dress 2 they.
kluarkn not RM20.00,bg kt cik 2.
than they said it not enough.pelik.
than me take back that dress,see btul2 harga dye.
arrrgg....oh my...what the hell..
u know how much?.
RM1120.00...bape digit.agak2 nye..
than tatau nak buat pe ckp kt cik 2 i'll want try 1st.
actually na cri care na cabut hahaha..
than msuk bilik utk try 2,ta pkai pon baju 2,cll mamber.
suh they come to me,cuak doe!!
than diorg dtg,suh diorg act buat cam something be happen.
sume buat mke cuak trmaksud me,na trgelak doe..
yg ta tahan nye cik kedai 2 pon ikot buat cuak face gak hahaha:D..ta than la tgok muke cik 2.
than me ckp kt cik tuh"miss,i'll buy it next time la,i want fast something be happen wit myfriend,sory ye.."than cik tuh angguk je dgn cuak face dye tuh
lpas kuar dri butik tuh,kitorg gelak tahap gaban,adoyai mcm mne ley slap tgok harga ek wat malu je.
tap sumpa me tgok harga dye RM20.00 not 1120.00,giler sunggh,laen kli kene hati2 da!!!
kitorg gelak smpai rumah. :)

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